As long as the Matrix controls that which we need or think we need then we are controlled indirectly. To break free and set a new course for oneself and all others who want fundamental societal change, requires us to step by step regain control over our basic needs of food and water, clothing, medical, education and housing. There are many.people making inroads in each of these areas who are under the radar. Each of us can so more and keep inquiring on ways to tap into this growing decentralized movement. The future is incredibly bright!

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Probably living on the European continent allows a different view:

1. Okay there are this Russian dolls - fine with it

2. Calling a whole nation „Those darn Russians“ is a no go and following the mainstream propaganda against Russia.

3. Who has taken over the Matrix and who are these globalists who want total control? Guess which country ist the hegemon in the western world and is calling the shots.

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I was making a joke about the Russians because they are so often blamed for things they didn't do at all. It was obviously a dumb joke . . . the joke's on me. :)

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I'd argue there is a solution within the matrix. The only way out is through. And if people with good intentions garner enough influence, then there is possibility for change and to re-direct the ship. I believe through education we can end the abuse, suffering and hunger, because at the root of evil is actually lack of education.

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interesting but what if you never watched or were aware of the Movie. What comparison then?

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The changes remain, we just have different names for them.

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